Displaying 1 - 12 of 12 items
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Gold Silhouette Informal Note - Raised Ink
Gold Silhouette Informal Note - Raised Ink
On sale $33.60 / set of 25
Double ThickMultiple Fonts

Navy Silhouette Informal Note - Raised Ink
Navy Silhouette Informal Note - Raised Ink
On sale $33.60 / set of 25
Double ThickMultiple Fonts

Yorkshire Informal Note - Raised Ink
Yorkshire Informal Note - Raised Ink
On sale $33.60 / set of 25
Double ThickMultiple Fonts

Knightsbridge Informal Note - Raised Ink
Knightsbridge Informal Note - Raised Ink
On sale $33.60 / set of 25
Double ThickMultiple Fonts

Canvas Informal Note - Raised Ink
Canvas Informal Note - Raised Ink
On sale $33.60 / set of 25
Double ThickMultiple Fonts

Tradition Informal Note - Raised Ink
Tradition Informal Note - Raised Ink
On sale $33.60 / set of 25
Double ThickMultiple Fonts

Gold and Navy Minuet Informal Note - Raised Ink
Gold and Navy Minuet Informal Note - Raised Ink
On sale $41.60 / set of 25
Double ThickMultiple Fonts

Amour Informal Note - Raised Ink
Amour Informal Note - Raised Ink
On sale $41.60 / set of 25
Double ThickMultiple Fonts

LaTour Informal Note - Raised Ink
LaTour Informal Note - Raised Ink
On sale $101.60 / set of 25
Double ThickMultiple Fonts

Coventry Informal Note - Raised Ink
Coventry Informal Note - Raised Ink
On sale $33.60 / set of 25
Double ThickMultiple Fonts

Almond Informal Note - Raised Ink
Almond Informal Note - Raised Ink
On sale $33.60 / set of 25
Double ThickMultiple Fonts

Hawthorn Informal Note - Raised Ink
Hawthorn Informal Note - Raised Ink
On sale $33.60 / set of 25
Double ThickMultiple Fonts

Displaying 1 - 12 of 12 items

You’re Invited: A guide to Wedding Informal Notes

Shop to your heart’s content. Find the perfect thank you note and informal stationery to acknowledge your guests and the love they’ve shown you.

Coordinated stationery

Silver Leaf Luxury Collection wedding informal notes coordinate with our Silver Leaf Luxury Collection of wedding invitations. They make beautiful thank you notes for bridal showers, engagement parties, bachelor and bachelorette gifts, and weddings.

Wedding Informal Notes include coordinating envelopes, with optional luxury hand-inserted linings and return address.

Trusted advice on writing a thank you note

Check out our guide to writing wedding thank you notes
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