Writing a Memorable Mother’s Day Message
The perfect Mother’s Day card is within reach. The answer is right in your hand…and your heart. Pull out a pen and write a sweet letter on a beautiful piece of stationery. It will be a keepsake Mother’s Day message she’ll treasure for years to come.
You don’t need to be a professional writer to craft a heart-felt Mother’s Day message. Try these approaches, from easiest to most difficult.
5 Ideas for Writing Mother’s Day Messages
A simple list of thank-yous. Write the reasons why you are grateful to her. Sometimes it’s nice to number them, as in “5 reasons I love you” or “10 reasons why you’re the best mom ever.” Mention the simple things: “I love your beautiful smile.” And, include the deeper reasons: “Mom, you’ve always been a role model for me, showing me how to handle myself when life gets hard.”

The embossed Circle Monogram Note gives a modern spin to the traditional monogram. From www.giftsin24.com
The year in review. Here’s another list idea: Go back in your mind through the past year and jot down some of your favorite moments with her: “taking Jack and Olivia for a walk in the park, baking gingerbread together last Christmas, helping me come up with plan B when I burnt John’s birthday cookies, opening up my birthday present and finding that gorgeous quilt you made for me….”
Wishful words. Tell her all the things you wish you could do for her, if only you had enough money and time. “I’d buy you a castle and a horse-drawn carriage. I’d hire a sky writer to write you a love poem in the clouds. Or, I’d take you on a world tour of Paris, London, and Tokyo like we’ve always dreamed of…”
Go down memory lane. Write a story about your favorite childhood memory with her. It can be funny, sad, touching, sweet or all of the above.
Discover your inner poet. Write a short, free verse poem. The beauty of free verse is that it doesn’t have to rhyme!
Mother, you are my inspiration,
Showing me what it means to be a woman,
Handling life with courage and grace.
I feel so happy when I’m with you.
You share your warm smile and ready laugh
And go-get-’em attitude.
I’m so grateful that you are in my life
A Work of Art… and Love
Writing out your thoughts on a beautiful blank card can bring so much meaning to Mother’s Day. Crafting a touching letter takes just a few minutes, but it can give your mother many moments of quiet joy whenever she takes it out and peruses it.
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