It’s National Thank You Note Day
Consider the bounty of your life on National Thank You Note Day…December 26
We’ve opened our gifts. The guests have gone home. The year 2018 is about to end. This is a day to consider the bounty of our lives. And then it’s time to start writing.
It’s time to say thank you for the gifts we’ve received during the holidays: homemade cookies from our niece, that bottle of wine from our neighbor. For the people who helped us or engaged with us in a meaningful way in 2018. Maybe it was a teacher who helped us learn a new skill, a counselor who helped us through a difficult week, a boss who expressed kindness or special consideration, or a friend who we trust to the ends of the earth.

We can jot a line or two, or write a longer letter. But the important thing is that we do it. This social gesture can feel small or meaningless, but it is actually part of the glue that holds together a family, friendship or community. We lead such busy lives and it’s easy to forget to stop and express gratitude for the richness we enjoy…if not in money, then in the things that really matter: our relationships with others.
Writing a thank you note isn’t complicated, and there are many places online you can find hints and tips:
And, you can see these tips we’ve written in past blogs.
Here are some of our top-selling writing papers for beautiful thank you note writing.
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